Overall I enjoyed the book; however, the author and I have different problems with our weight. While I am bigger, she suffered from anorexia. Hers was because she wanted to fit in and be seen as pretty during her teenage and college years because she was a bigger girl when she was younger. And well, mine is because I eat my emotions and hide behind my weight.
The core point of her book though is what I loved about the book. It Is God made you and He loves you and if you can’t grasp that then nothing will ever change. You can’t love yourself until you accept that God made you and gave you your body. It is a temple to help worship Him. Mistreating it only hurts your relationship with God. This thought wasn’t a new idea to me, but how she specifically broke it down really opened my eyes.
What’s also great about the book is that included what she calls soul food which includes inspiring quotes, tools, and tips. There’s also a meditation to think about and each chapter ends with a prayer.
I’ve read similar Christian weightless books with the same concept. I think this one reached me a little deeper was because of the authors also being Catholic and you can see that in her writing.
If you are struggling with your body, be it weight, wrinkles, or scars you should give this book a try. Oh and its only 83 pages perfect length for busy moms! I have a few other books by this author that I am looking forward to reading soon!