One of the biggest things my family has been working on daily is to bless our food before we eat. This isn’t something Jack was raised with and I was, every night around the dinner table we would hold hands a pray. Sitting at the table is something that we had reimplemented last year when I was pregnant. Now we were working on blessing the food before we ate as a way to express our gratefulness. I added “Pray” to the saying for my farmhouse sign. I started by using leftover stain from the dresser project to color the sanded down the wooden board. While that was drying I printed out the words and a simple outline of silverware using regular payer and then traced the images into the wood. The marks from the pencil made groves into the wood since it was soft enough. Using a fine point paint brush I slowly painted all of the letters and silverware with gray paint. Because of the fine details and the residual numbness in my hand, this took me several hours for me to finish. The last step was to seal the sign with a clear coat sealant and add a picture hook on the back.
The sign came out so great and not only is it one of a kind but a great reminder of what should happen around the dinner table!