In the stillness I’ve learned to look around and take a breath. To not take for granted for the blessings that I have. To remember to pause and be patient. To be confident and brave. To stop and listen and be a friend. In stillness there is growth and self discovery. In what began the most challenging year of my life and that was before the pandemic, I feel like I have changed so much. My priorities and goals have shifted and once was always put on the back burner was suddenly the focus of my life.
And because of this I have sadly decided to take a break from this blog. Don't worry I will be back soon, but for now I need to regroup, reenergize, and focus on some other priorities.
This tattoo is more than part of a bible verse to me, it’s a new and better attitude I have for my life. When my dad died almost 3 years ago I put a little money aside from his welding machine we sold that we put to important things, an anniversary trip to Hawaii, Andrew’s crib and recently our wills. The very last of the money went to getting this tattoo. It was the perfect way to spend it since I’ve gotten two of my tattoos with my dad. It’s nice a reminder to stop and look around and that life is too short. Be Still.
So here’s to 2020 and whatever 2021 brings.